Piazza Cesare Battisti n.7, Nardò

Discovering the city of Nardò: it will be a big surprise. We will do it through its history, its artistic and cultural heritage and its institutional and outdoor museums. The museums can offer a lot of things to all visitors, from small curiosities to special interests, customs or ancient traditions.


Timetable: Days and hours to be defined, Mondays definitely closed
Referent: Antonietta Martignano
Tel: 3209459027
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/museocittaterritorio/
E-mail: Mailto: museocittaterritorio@libero.it

The Museum is located in Nardò, on the mezzanine floor of the Acquaviva-D'Aragona Castle.
In addition to guided tours, the Museum organizes events, educational workshops, courses and experiential paths.